Cardiac Surgery Research News and Updates
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International Journal of Artificial Organs Publication
Congratulations to Dr. Jeevanandam, Dr. Combs, Will Cohen, and Umar Siddiqi! Their manuscript titled, "An international survey: Tobacco smoking cessation strategies within left ventricular assist device centers" was recently published in the International Journal of...
21 accepted ASAIO abstracts in 2020!
Congratulations to the entire Cardiac Surgery Research Team on a record of 21 accepted ASAIO abstracts in the 2020 cycle. Terrific work by all! ASAIO 2020 Accepted Abstracts UC Cardiac Surgery Team Koda Y, Nishida H, Rodgers D, Cohen W, Combs P, Fonceva A, Trettel R,...
Karen Meehan wins $20,000 ISHLT/ICCAC VAD Award
Congratulations to Karen Meehan! She received the ISHLT/ICCAC VAD Coordinator Career Development Award in the amount of $20,000 for her study entitled, “Transitioning VAD care in the post-COVID era: Outcomes of Virtual VAD follow-up visits.” This is the first time...